Medical Malpractice Lawyer East Point, GA

Medical Malpractice Lawyers East Point
Our Lawyers Will Come To You!
Over 40 Years of Experience

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Misdiagnose or Failure to Diagnose
Traumatic Brain Injury
Spinal Cord Injury & Nerve Damage
Hospital or Nursing Abuse or Neglect 
Misfilled or Defective Prescription Drugs
Over-prescribing Medications
Improper or Unnecessary Surgery
Anesthesia Malpractice
Plastic Surgery Malpractice


Have you or a family member been injured by poor or improper medical care? This is such a serious matter. Yes, most health care we receive is quality and satisfactory, but the one time it's not can end in tragedy. Ongoing pain, the spread of cancer and even death can often be the result of such cases. When mistakes like this are made or neglect results in injury, who should pay? The responsible party, that's who. Most health care professionals will quickly begin to mount a defense, hire an attorney and begin trying to cover up the errors. Do not wait... hire an experienced malpractice attorney immediately. At Jones & Associates, we are malpractice attorneys who know what questions to ask, records to examine, experts to consult and methods to employ. Our history of success in this area will help you win your lawsuit. You need a trusted medical malpractice lawyer in East Point, GA on your side!

The consequences of medical malpractice injuries or neglect are not only physical, but are emotional and financial as well. Was your cancer diagnosis missed? Were your x-rays misread? Did you receive the wrong prescription drug combination? No matter how you were wronged by your health care provider, Jones & Associates can help you receive a just recovery. These types of injuries can result in long term work loss, a decrease in earning potential, emotional distress and chronic pain. We will help minimize these negative consequences as much as possible. Doctors are bound by law to meet a specific "standard of care" and when they don't they have to be held accountable for that. We will work without relent to get you the compensation you need to help turn things around. Whether you were injured in a hospital, emergency room, nursing home, delivery room or during surgery, we can help you with your claim. We understand the medical laws that are at play and how the "corporate machine" will try to manipulate them. We won't back down from this fight. We just dig in our heals. We also take on birth defect, orthopedic implant and cancer misdiagnosis claims as well. We are experienced malpractice lawyers in East Point GA who want to help you and your family recover. We are ready to take on your medical malpractice lawsuit today!

Call 404.344.1771 For A Complimentary Consultation


The outcome of your medical malpractice claim will impact your life for many years to come. Ensuring a successful end result is so important for you and your loved ones. The way in which your claim is handled may very well determine if you win or lose. You need a specific amount of compensation to make sure you will have a certain quality of life going forward. This will be our goal from the very onset of the case until you are cashing your settlement check. From gathering necessary evidence and meeting claim deadlines, to in-depth research and determining the responsible parties, Jones & Associates will be working hard on your behalf. We are standing by to take your call and explain to you how we can help you and your family.
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